
Python 3, Django and Other Demons version 0.10.1

Most tutorials Django tutorials will start with the creation of the first app.

Configuring the environments can be sometimes cumbersome and confusing if you don't do this often enough.

The following diagram (built with Gliffy) shows the steps to follow in order to star a new Django project.

Book Workflow

How the book was created

This book started as Word document with a bunch of print screens to help me remember the steps I followed to create a Django project and publish it to Heroku.

Along the way I started add in notes because some times the print screens didn't jogged my memory.

I hesitated for some time to publishing the pdf finding it pretentious to call it a book. The I ran into a couple of slides in and realized that my Word document was a slide show with comments and hints.


Since this started as a bunch of print screens. You will notice the print screens call different project names quiz_project, condo_project, wildbill_project and some others. I will eventually fix that, but for now be patient.