Installing Python3
Since part of the workflow shown here is to deploy to Heroku we need to be sure we are using a version of Python supported by Heroku. Always check Supported Python Runtimes
There is more than one way to install Python 3 since I already had a Hombebrew installed I based my configuration on How to Install Python 3 and PyDev on OSX and Python Development Environment on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.
Updating version 3.4.1 to 3.4.3
As of august 2015 Heroku supports 3.4.3 which is the latest version, So you don't have to follow the steps shown in Installing version Python 3.4.1
Since I cheated forcing home brew to install an older Python3 formula. I had to do a hard reset to eliminate the python3.rb formula.
$ cd $( brew --prefix )
$ git reset –hard
$ brew upgrade
$ brew install python3
Installing version Python 3.4.1
Current homebrew version installs Python 3.4.2 but Heroku currently supports python 3.4.1. So we need to install 3.4.1. To do this we need to install a specific commit
The commit we are looking for can be found at
You must unlink the current versión 3.4.2
$ brew unlink python3
First, go to the homebrew base directory
$ cd $( brew --prefix )
Checkout some old formula
$ git checkout 979810a69b2dd4e9e0e4374b9eb3f361dc6cd54a Library/Formula/python3.rb
$ brew install python3